JP Law & Wealth Advisor PLLC provides both legal and financial services and clients are not obligated to exclusively use the firm for either services. Working with our firm on financial services does not automatically create an attorney client relationship and privilege unless a separate legal contract is executed. Furthermore, working with our firm on legal services does not automatically create a financial advisor and client relationship unless a separate financial contract is executed.
This website is a publication of JP Law & Wealth Advisor PLLC. All of the information provided is general in nature and does not constitute personalized investment advice or legal advice. Additionally, any tax planning information provided should not be construed as tax advice, you should consult a tax professional for your specific tax situation.
There are no guarantees that any specific investment product would be profitable for client’s portfolio. All investments have the potential for profit or loss. Additionally, there is no assurance that a portfolio will match or exceed a particular benchmark.